NanoEnTek develops innovative products of life science research and point-of-care diagnostics. Lab-on-a-chip. The first successful product was Countess, the world’s first personal cell counter. Then, JuLI, a live cell viewer breaks the space restrictions and realizes lab-free life for bio researchers by WiFi remote control. NanoEnTek offers a range of cell counting systems and cell imagers, chip-based IVD systems, as well as their C-chip disposable Hemocytometer.
Tools for Cell Counting and Imaging
JuLI Range of Systems for Cell Imaging and History Recording
- JuLI Br Live Cell Brightfield Imaging system
- JuLI Br Counting Live Cell Brightfield Cell Counting system
- JuLI FL Live Cell Fluorescent and Brightfield Imaging systems
- JuLI Stage Real-Time Cell History Recorder – in-incubator
Disposable Plastic Hemocytometers
- C-Chip Disposable Hemocytometers
- S-Chip Disposable Counting Chamber for Sperm